Digital Tutors - High-Resolution Game Character Creation Pipeline in ZBrush and Maya

01. Introduction and project overview

02. Collecting references

03. Blocking forms of the head from a sphere

04. Blocking in eyes, brow, nose, and cheeks

05. Tweaking the shapes

06. Working more on sculpting the head

07. Starting wrinkling and skin detail

08. Defining the face with detail

09. Blocking in the arms and hands

10. Continuing blocking in the arms and hands

11. Detailing the arms

12. Beginning to block clothing in ZBrush

13. Creating clothing forms

14. Cloth detailing on button down shirt

15. Combining the two shirts

16. Pushing the detail on the t-shirt

17. Beginning the detailing process on the pants

18. Finishing the pants detail

19. Base mesh creation of the shoes

20. Shoe sculpting in ZBrush

21. Finishing the shoes

22. Defining button and cloth details in Maya

23. Applying button to cloth and shoe details

24. Adjusting shirt and shoe detail

25. Quick jewelry creation for our character

26. Finalizing geometry of our character

27. Getting our mesh ready for retopology

28. Getting into TopoGun

29. Retopologizing the face

30. Finishing the retopology of the face

31. Retopologizing the arms and hands

32. Continuing to retopologize the hands and arms

33. Creating the inside of the mouth

34. Continuing cleaning up the model

35. UVing the clothing

36. Laying out the UVs in Maya

37. Normal map generation

38. Map generation and composition

39. Collecting the needed maps for dDo

40. Hand painted skin textures in ZBrush

41. Continuing to hand paint textures

42. Texture mapping in TopoGun

43. Texture mapping in dDo

44. Adding diffuse, specular, and gloss textures

45. Finalizing textures of our image

46. Final presentation of the render


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  • Digital Tutors - High-Resolution Game Character Creation Pipeline in ZBrush and Maya