1. 介绍和项目概述(1. Introduction and project overview)

2. 学习参考(2. Studying the reference)

3. 设置完场景(3. Settings up the scene)

4. 建筑的翅膀骨系统(4. Building the wings bone system)

5. 添加羽毛骨骼(5. Adding the feather bones)

6. 把机翼骨架联系在一起(6. Linking the wing skeleton together)

7. 包络翼(7. Enveloping the wing)

8. 包络的羽毛(8. Enveloping the feathers)

9. 主翼控件(9. The primary wing controls)

10. 我们主要的控制连接翅膀骨架(10. Connecting the wings skeleton to our primary controls)

11. 创建辅助翼控件(11. Creating secondary wing controls)

12. 将辅助翼骨连接到他们的控件(12. Connecting the secondary wing bones to their controls)

13. 开始我们羽毛控制系统(13. Starting on our feather control system)

14. 我们第一级别的羽毛扇风的控制(14. Our first level of feather-fanning control)

15. 创建控件以集体风扇的羽毛(15. Creating controls to collectively fan the feathers)

16. 完成我们第二次的煽动控制水平(16. Completing our second level of fanning control)

17. 建立灵活的羽毛钻机(17. Building a flexible feather rig)

18. 样条函数为我们羽骨链的(18. Splines for our feather bone chains)

19. 样条 IK 系统连接到我们的羽毛(19. Connecting Spline IK systems to our feathers)

20. 建立一个简单的重命名工具(20. Building a simple renaming tool)

21. 扭曲的羽毛(21. Twisting the feathers)

22. 单独操纵的羽毛(22. Rigging the feathers separately)

23. 让钻机伸缩(23. Making the rig scalable)

24. 弯曲的羽毛集体(24. Bending the feathers collectively)

25. 整理我们集体的羽毛弯曲钻机(25. Finishing our collective feather-bending rig)

26. 编辑,羽毛的信封(26. Edting the envelope of the feathers)

27. 自动折叠机翼(27. Automating the wing fold)

28. 自动折叠机翼钻机共度(28. Continuning the auto wing-fold rig)

29. 敲定翼钻机(29. Finalizing the wing rig)


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  • 教程简介:

    In this 3ds Max tutorial we will learn how to rig a wing. We’ll first take a look at reference and go over some things to think about when constructing the control rig. From there, we will move right into rigging the wing, step by step, making sure the system we build will be sufficient to an animator’s needs. We’ll also learn how to customize Max's interface to access tools faster and build a few MaxScript tools which will also help us work more efficiently. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge you need to rig animation-friendly wings!