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  • 爱给网提供海量的AE教程资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的02_一台照相机和光物理的快速击穿(02_Quick_breakdown_of_a_camera_and_light_physics), 本站编号31876587, 该AE教程素材大小为31m, 时长为10分 48秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为ZeroRaven87, 更多精彩AE教程素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在这一系列的后效果教程中我们将学习真实感的相机镜头,光圈,及电影或传感器影响的原因因为他们发生在现实生活中图像采集.我们了解每种现象背后的机制,我们将了解如何为复制此效果后的内心。我们开始在那里光先进入相机,通过镜头,和一路跟的相机,心在哪里传感器或在某些情况下电影,生活。这种培训深入研究了为什么要"背后复杂的光物理、 和它是如何导致事情像透镜照明弹和散景效果。 然后我们拿一个实用的方法来使看现实而不是把那些影响镜头眩光一切和使它看起来业余。本课程是为你如果你想要学习采取正常的看 CG 合成秘密拍摄并转化为东西,看起来好像它发生在现实世界中,另一边的相机年底本教程中,您会能够创建这些相同的效果后, 效果和大部分为删除任何一块画面底部的我们嵌套的复合和有真实感的畸变时你跳回到你的项目的主要水平明显应用。 原文:  In this series of After Effects tutorials we will be learning the causes of photorealistic camera lens, aperture, and film or sensor effects as they happen in real life image capturing.  As we learn the mechanics behind each phenomenon, we will learn how to replicate this look inside of After Effects. We begin where light first enters the camera, through the lens, and follow it all the way to the heart of the camera, where the sensor or in some cases the film, lives. This training delves into the "why" behind complex light physics, and how it causes things like lens flares and bokeh effects.  We then take a practical approach to making those effects look realistic rather than putting lens flares on top of everything and making it look amateurish. This course is for you if you want to learn the compositing secrets that take a normal looking CG shot and transform it into something that looks like it happened in the real world, on the other side of a camera.  By the end of this tutorial, you"ll be able to create these same effects inside of After Effects and for the most part, drop any piece of footage at the bottom of our nested comps and have a photo-realistic distortion visibly applied when you jump back to the main level of your project.