01.介绍和项目概述(01.Introduction and project overview)

02.设置参考图像(02.Setting up reference images)

03.创建头盔(03.Creating the helmet)

04.创建这种头盔的衣领(04.Creating the collar of the helmet)

05.创建头盔夹(05.Creating the helmet clamps)

06.创建演讲者(06.Creating the speaker)

07.创建基础网格的身体(07.Creating the base mesh of the body)

08.创建躯干的武器(08.Creating the arms of the torso)

09.完成了躯干基地网(09.Finishing up the torso base mesh)

10.创建腿基地网(10.Creating the legs base mesh)

11.创建脚(11.Creating the feet)

12.建筑的手套(12.Building the gloves)

13.整理的手套(13.Finishing the gloves)

14.创建胸肩带(14.Creating the chest straps)

15.在胸背带创建详细信息(15.Creating detail in the chest straps)

16.创建带(16.Creating the belt)

17.创建氧气罐(17.Creating the oxygen tank)

18.创建氧气罐软管(18.Creating the oxygen tank hose)

19.创建该 jetpack(19.Creating the jetpack)

20.创建配置文件的头部(20.Creating the profile of the head)

21.创建眼插座(21.Creating the eye socket)

22.在鼻子阻塞(22.Blocking in the nose)

23.堵在嘴里(23.Blocking in the mouth)

24.建筑下巴(24.Building the chin)

25.创建头骨(25.Creating the skull)

26.整理的头骨(26.Finishing the skull)

27.阻止在脖子和脸颊(27.Blocking in the neck and cheek)

28.整理的脸颊(28.Finishing the cheek)

29.整理的眼睛(29.Finishing the eye)

30.创建嘴内部(30.Creating the mouth interior)

31.创建耳朵(31.Creating the ear)

32.创建牙齿(32.Creating the teeth)

33.整理 人物(33.Finishing the character)


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  • 文件总数:33
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  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在本 3ds Max 2012 教程中,我们 ' ll 建立在 3ds Max ' s 建模工具并学习如何将它们应用到工作流建模的高聚。我们 ' ll 开始通过创建我们的几何学基础网和使用 NURMS 来消除了我们的结果,然后跳进创造我们想要在我们的高聚版本模型的详细信息的权利。在那之后,我们 ' ll 发现如何多边形建模非常有用给我们确切的细节和拓扑结构,我们需要为我们遇到任何建模项目。 原文: In this 3ds Max 2012 tutorial, we'll build upon 3ds Max's modeling tools and learn how to apply them to a high poly modeling workflow. We'll start off by creating a base mesh for our geometry and using NURMS to smooth out our result and then jump right into creating the details we want in our high poly version model. After that, we'll discover how polygonal modeling can be extremely helpful to give us the exact detail and topology we need for any modeling project we encounter.